Without community there is no liberation.

– Audre Lorde

Event Registration

QSA #1 – Resilience responding to Fear 

May 14, 2019 | 6:00pm-9:00pm

Western Canada High School

Resilience responds to fear.

In the course of post-colonial history on this land now called Alberta, the Gender and Sexual Diverse community have had legal enfranchisement for about the length of a sneeze.  Before that, we had each other. So, we are drawing upon our rich legacy of skills and experience in supporting one another through adversity in order to co-create a world of possibility many of us cannot yet even imagine.

If we are alive, we are flourishing on some level. We flourish better together.

This month we will be sharing stories and skills of resilience as resilience responds to fear and adversity.

QSA #1 – Registration

This form may seem extra long, we are trying to be very conscious of the needs of members spanning our community.

Please fill in what applies to you and leave the rest. There are very few required form fields.

If you have access needs such as: a need for younger children-appropriate childcare, or a place to stim or quiet out, communication interpretation, mobility concerns, please fill out the section on access.



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